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Why is Learning Arabic Important?

24 August 2022 - 1035 Times Readed

The most widely spoken language in our country and surrounding countries is Arabic. Therefore, this situation directs individuals to learn Arabic.

Many reasons such as commercial activities, foreign travels, the desire to understand different cultures, etc. have triggered human beings' desire to learn languages for centuries. An individual who learns a second language feels like a completely different person. Because when learning a language, the culture and history of that language is also learned without being noticed. There are many criteria for deciding to learn a foreign language. For example, the most widely spoken language in our country and surrounding countries is Arabic. Therefore, this situation directs individuals to learn Arabic. Those who want to learn this language, spoken by more than 250 million people around the world, want to know why it is important to learn Arabic or what it will change in their lives. We wanted to briefly share with you the importance of learning Arabic.


It is one of the most spoken languages

Arabic is one of the 6 official languages of the United Nations. Moreover, it is the 5th most spoken language in the world.

Offers different job opportunities

When Turkey's foreign trade figures are examined, it is observed that there is a trade cycle mostly with Arabic-speaking countries. Therefore, learning Arabic will make a great contribution to opening the door to different job opportunities.

It has many common words with Turkish

Almost half of the words in Turkish consist of words of Arabic origin. Learning Arabic will be an important step to both understand our language better and speak it better. If we give examples of Turkish words of Arabic origin: book, abes, wonder, cabinet etc.

It is the language of the Holy Quran

Learning Arabic may be one of the most important things that believers in Islam will achieve in their lives. Understanding exactly what the book and advice of the religion you believe in means and reading the prayers with understanding is the life goal of a Muslim.

Arab culture is very rich

The foundations of civilization, science, literature and even astronomy were laid by Arab civilizations. Therefore, understanding Arab culture will take you to a very different intellectual level. For example, wouldn't you feel much better if you had the opportunity to read 1001 Nights in its original language?

It has many things in common with other languages

Perhaps one of the key answers to the question of why it is important to learn Arabic may be that Arabic serves as a bridge to many languages. After learning Arabic, you can learn other languages very easily, and even if you don't, you can partially understand those languages. Examples of these languages include Turkish, Urdu and Hebrew.

Makes your Middle East travels easier

It is the dream of many people to get to know Arab civilizations, see archaeological structures in situ, and taste Middle Eastern food. In Arabic-speaking countries, English is spoken, although not very widely. However, if you do not have a guide who speaks Arabic, your travels will become tiring after a while. Learning Arabic is an important advantage to get to know Arab culture and understand the places you visit.


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