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How can we improve our language by reading books?

16 July 2024 - 737 Times Readed

Reading books to improve your language skills expands your vocabulary and reinforces your knowledge of grammar. Additionally, you can improve your pronunciation and general language proficiency by gaining a reading habit.

Reading is the Best Exercise to Improve Your Language Skills

When learning a new language, we often focus on speaking and listening skills. But reading is one of the most effective exercises to improve your language skills.

What Makes Reading So Special?

Reading in your native language is a very useful activity in itself. It reduces stress, nourishes your imagination, exercises your mind and improves your analytical skills. You can gain knowledge, learn about interesting topics, or have fun with fantastic stories, among many other features that vary depending on the type of reading. But when you read in your target language, we can add a few more to all these advantages: You acquire more and higher quality vocabulary, you improve spelling and grammar, you learn different structures or expressions used for different types of communication, and you recognize the same words in different contexts. You can also improve your pronunciation by reading it out loud.

How can you create a reading habit?

As with any habit, it is important to set clear and realistic goals for yourself in reading. Here are some tips to create a reading habit:

Look for a Nice and Quiet Place: You will need concentration, so find a quiet, bright and serene place where you can make yourself comfortable.

Set a Reasonable Time: Set a realistic goal. Don't force yourself to read for an hour a day if you've never done it before. Maybe you can start with just 10 or 15 minutes.

Be Consistent: Once you have allocated a suitable time and place in your agenda, stick to that plan and respect the time you set aside for reading.

Be Flexible: Don't judge yourself on the days when you can't follow your routine. The important thing is to continue where you left off as soon as possible.

What to Read?

There are two important things to consider when creating a reading habit: your interests and your level of learning the language. Here is the level guide:

  • A1-A2 Level: If you know simple structures, start reading easy books. You can try translations of children's books or classic stories like "El principito."
  • Level B1-B2: If you can understand the general idea of ​​a text, read magazine articles and short stories. Depending on your interests, news and books such as "Como agua para chocolate" may be ideal for you.
  • C1-C2 Level: If you can recognize complex structures and special vocabulary, you can prefer readings on novels, poems and special topics.

Let's Read!

Accept that you will not understand 100% of the text in the beginning, be patient and make the most of this activity. Take note of new words or phrases and clarify their meaning. Avoid the dictionary, try to extract the meaning and only use it if you cannot get it by other means. Write using what you've learned and try reading out loud, recording yourself, and listening to improve your pronunciation.

Remember, the key to developing the reading habit is patience and consistency. Don't give up right away, it will get easier over time. Enjoy reading!


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